CCIKA Membership Dues & Dojo Registration
Annual Membership
CCIKA asks of its members a modest annual membership fee to ensure that future generations of karateka may benefit from Master Carter's teachings. The funds go to planning future CCIKA events and offering, as well as outreach and communication efforts.
Membership fees go to the Camp Carter International Karate Association, with the intention of giving back through quality seminar trainings and other events that help bring the greater CCIKA community together. See the benefits of your CCIKA Membership below.
Annual Membership cost for 2024 is $150.
Please contact us at [email protected] regarding purchasing an annual membership for 2021.
Specific Benefits of Membership
• Access to expert level, accredited instructors with, on average, more than 20 years of experience each. Many CCIKA instructors have trained under and with world-renowned Karate, Taekwondo, Goju, Jujutsu, Judo, Kung Fu, Aikido and Kobudo instructors, amongst others.
• Access to regularly updated information on the CCIKA website, social media channels, and instructional videos on Vimeo.
• Where applicable, ranking accreditation from the CCIKA Board, consisting of several distinguished Martial Arts Instructors all over the world.
• Discounts on the CCIKA Black Belt University Seminar Series; held semi-annually and geared towards advanced students looking to deepen their knowledge of traditional Martial Arts. Our CCIKA instructors have a network of knowledgeable professionals and seek to ensure that you receive the highest level of training possible.
• Discounts will be available on all seminars, camp, trainings, and CCIKA Merchandise.
Access to the Following Events:
CCIKA hosts a beach training at the end of summer – Half Moon Bay, CA - to get a great workout in the sand and ocean and to enjoy each other’s company at the after-training potluck. Beach training has an important legacy within the CCIKA in terms of character development, enjoyment of nature, and training on a different surface.
The CCIKA Black Belt University Seminars are held semi-annually and are based on a tradition of Martial Arts training that Hanshi Carter developed over many years. These training opportunities aim to deepen karate practice and knowledge and cultivate an inter-dojo community of advanced karate practicioners dedicated to the practice and refinement of the Art. Our goal is to develop the next generation of karateka and Senseis.
Rank Testing Eligibility
We realize that each student's path is unique.
Some students and instructors may come from outside organizations wishing to join a strong community of martial artists and align their practice with the training goals and mission of the CCIKA. Other students may have a non-linear path towards improvement and learning. Regardless of your path, we have a few basic requirements for eligibility for rank testing.
It is expected that each student who wishes to test will give their best effort, have good attendance, and take the Art and training seriously. For those testing at the Dan level, attendance at seminars and special trainings will enhance your exposure to deeper ideas and a wider array of training methods that will give you a greater chance of success and learning.
It is expected that each student will show their commitment to their instructor, dojo, and to the organization by paying dues and tuition on time and to create a plan with their instructor for their success. In order to be eligible to test for Dan ranking through the CCIKA, we require that students/instructors have a valid/current membership with the organization. In order to be considered for Dan rank testing, it goes without saying that the student should be actively training with a CCIKA affiliated instructor on a regular basis and must be able to meet the testing requirements. Lapses in membership must also be remedied prior to advancing to the next Dan level. Membership dues are considered a form of obligation, but in reality they are necessary to sustain a thriving organization and each student's commitment helps to ensure the success of the greater whole.
For those joining from outside the organization but from similar practices/organizations, rank certification review is available for a fee. These requests will be considered on a case by case basis. In some cases, corresponding rank may not granted. The rank reviewer will evaluate the candidate based on their skillset relative to CCIKA rank-based skill requirements, not the requirements of the candidate's original organization.
Please email us for more information.
Dojo Affiliation
The 2022 Annual Dojo Charter Fee is $150.
To affiliate your dojo with the CCIKA, please email
[email protected]
Affiliated instructors must have CCIKA certified rank (please see above for eligibility) and we ask that you commit to registering your higher ranking kyu belts and Dan ranked students for annual memberships. Clubs who register ten or more students annually, the annual Dojo Charter Fee is waived, but the students must all be registered at the same time. We strongly encourage instructors to have a working, user-friendly website for their dojo, which once registered, we will list on the Members page of our website. We ask that you list your CCIKA affiliation prominently on your website as well.
Please contact us at [email protected] regarding purchasing an annual Dojo/Club membership for 2022.